最新的逸动DT轮胎型号尺寸因车型配置和年份可能有所不同,但逸动DT常用的轮胎规格为205/55 R16或215/50 R17。具体轮胎型号尺寸请以车辆的实际配置为准,建议查阅最新的车辆说明书或咨询官方经销商以获取最准确的信息。
English Answer:
The tire size and model for the Yidong DT may vary depending on the vehicle's configuration and year, but generally speaking, the common tire specifications for the Yidong DT are 205/55 R16 or 215/50 R1 Please refer to the latest vehicle manual or consult the official dealer for the most accurate information on the specific tire size and model based on the actual configuration of your vehicle.