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女字的由来 求援啊,求快速解答这个难题!

2 人参与  2025年03月16日 18:03  分类 : 百科  评论


In English, the origin of the Chinese character \"女\" (which means \"woman\" or \"female\") can be traced back to ancient oracle bone inscriptions and Jinwen (inscriptions on metal artifacts). In these ancient scripts, the form of the character \"女\" mimics the shape of a woman's body, particularly emphasizing her breasts, as a symbol of femininity. As the Chinese writing system evolved, from oracle bone inscriptions and Jinwen to Xiaozhuan (a style of seal script), Lishu (clerical script), and finally to modern Kaishu (regular script), the form of the character \"女\" gradually simplified and standardized. However, its basic meaning and symbolic significance have been preserved to this day.



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