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奶栆是啥东西 急得抓狂,有没有答案呀?

3 人参与  2025年03月07日 03:53  分类 : 百科  评论

奶枣(Milk Jujube)并不是一种自然生长的植物或果实,而是一种近年来在食品市场上新兴起的零食产品。它通常是由枣子(一般是灰枣或冬枣)去核后,内部填充上杏仁等坚果,并裹上一层奶粉或奶油制成的。这种零食因其独特的口感和营养价值而受到消费者的喜爱。

In English, \"Milk Jujube\" is not a naturally growing plant or fruit, but rather a new type of snack product that has emerged in the food market in recent years. It is typically made by pitting jujubes (usually gray jujubes or winter jujubes), filling them with nuts such as almonds, and then coating them with milk powder or cream. This snack is popular among consumers for its unique taste and nutritional value.



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