Location Services Not Enabled or Misconfigured: Please ensure that Location Services are enabled on your iPhone 12 and that the Weather app is allowed to access your location information. If Location Services are turned off or set to access location only while using the app, the Weather app may not be able to accurately obtain your current location and may default to displaying Beijing.
Network Issues: Sometimes, due to network delays or instability in location services, your phone may not be able to promptly obtain accurate geographic location information, resulting in the Weather app displaying an incorrect location.
App Bugs or System Problems: If the above two points are not the issue, then it may be that the Weather app itself has bugs, or there are some problems with the phone's operating system. In this case, you can try restarting your phone, or updating the Weather app and operating system to the latest versions.
Default Setting Issues: In some cases, the Weather app may be set to default to displaying the weather for a certain city (such as Beijing). You can check and change this default setting in the Weather app's settings.