使用公共DNS服务:近年来,越来越多的公共DNS服务如谷歌DNS(8和4)、Cloudflare DNS(1)等提供了更快、更安全的域名解析服务。用户可以通过更改网络设置,将这些公共DNS服务器的地址作为首选DNS服务器,以提升上网速度和安全性。
DNS over HTTPS(DoH)和DNS over TLS(DoT):为了增强DNS查询的安全性,防止DNS劫持和中间人攻击,DoH和DoT技术逐渐得到普及。它们通过在DNS查询过程中使用HTTPS或TLS协议加密通信,确保用户请求的数据不被窃取或篡改。
English Answer:
DNS (Domain Name System) modification refers to changing the settings used by a computer or network device to resolve domain names into IP addresses. The latest DNS modification techniques and methods primarily involve the following aspects:
Using Public DNS Services: In recent years, more and more public DNS services such as Google DNS (8 and 4), Cloudflare DNS (1), etc., have provided faster and more secure domain name resolution services. Users can change their network settings to use these public DNS server addresses as their preferred DNS servers, thereby improving internet speed and security.
Smart DNS Services: For users who need to access content or services from specific regions (such as streaming platforms), smart DNS services can dynamically select the optimal DNS resolution path based on their geographical location and requested content, enabling cross-regional access.
Local DNS Cache Optimization: By optimizing local DNS cache settings, the number of queries to external DNS servers can be reduced, speeding up domain name resolution. This typically involves adjusting DNS cache times and policies in the operating system or network device.
DNS over HTTPS (DoH) and DNS over TLS (DoT): To enhance the security of DNS queries and prevent DNS hijacking and man-in-the-middle attacks, DoH and DoT technologies are gradually becoming popular. They encrypt communication during DNS queries using HTTPS or TLS protocols, ensuring that user request data is not stolen or tampered with.
Private DNS Services: For enterprises or organizations, establishing private DNS services can further improve the flexibility and security of domain name resolution. Private DNS services allow users to customize DNS resolution rules, enabling more granular access control and content filtering.