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高育良和刘省长谁大 帮帮忙呀,急需答案指引啊!

1 人参与  2025年03月09日 20:28  分类 : 百科  评论

Yes, Liu Shengzhang, the provincial governor, holds a higher position than Gao Yuliang.


Detailed Explanation:

In the context of the Chinese political system, provincial governors belong to the category of provincial-level leaders, while provincial party committee secretaries and deputy provincial governors fall under the category of deputy provincial-level leaders. Gao Yuliang, although serving as the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee and the secretary of the provincial political and legal committee, is still a deputy provincial-level leader. On the other hand, Liu Shengzhang, as the provincial governor, holds a provincial-level leadership position, which is higher than that of Gao Yuliang.

In the fictional work \"In the Name of the People,\" Liu Shengzhang is portrayed as the second-in-command of the Handong Provincial Party Committee, while Gao Yuliang, despite his prominent role, is still considered a deputy provincial-level leader. Therefore, in terms of official rank, Liu Shengzhang is indeed higher than Gao Yuliang.



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