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夨坕怎么读 别磨叽,赶紧给个答复出来!

2 人参与  2025年03月11日 10:29  分类 : 百科  评论

“夨坕”的读音为“cè jǐng”。“夨坕”并不是一个常见的词汇,其读音可能因地域、方言等因素而有所差异。但根据最新的汉语拼音规则,“夨”字读音为“cè”,“坕”字读音为“jǐng”。

In English, the pronunciation of \"夨坕\" can be translated as \"cè jǐng\". \"夨坕\" is not a common vocabulary, and its pronunciation may vary due to factors such as region and dialect. However, according to the latest Pinyin rules, the character \"夨\" is pronounced as \"cè\", and the character \"坕\" is pronounced as \"jǐng\".



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