200Mbps对应的是200兆(M)宽带。在宽带网络中,“bps”代表“比特每秒”(bits per second),它是衡量数据传输速率的单位。当我们说200Mbps时,意味着宽带的最大传输速率是每秒200兆比特。而“兆”(M)在宽带领域通常指的是“兆比特”(Mbps)的简写,所以200Mbps直接对应的就是200兆宽带。
In English:
200Mbps corresponds to a 200 Megabit (M) broadband. In broadband networks, \"bps\" stands for \"bits per second,\" which is a unit for measuring data transmission rate. When we say 200Mbps, it means the maximum transmission rate of the broadband is 200 million bits per second. And \"M\" in the broadband field usually refers to the abbreviation of \"Megabit\" (Mbps), so 200Mbps directly corresponds to 200 Megabit broadband.