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什么是微型计算机 如坐针毡,麻烦帮忙回答!

1 人参与  2025年03月12日 16:15  分类 : 百科  评论

微型计算机(Microcomputer),也被称为个人电脑(Personal Computer,简称PC),在2025年的今天,依旧是指一种基于微处理器(Microprocessor)为核心,集成了存储器(Memory)、输入输出设备(Input/Output Devices)以及各类接口(Interfaces)的紧凑型计算设备。随着技术的不断进步,微型计算机的定义也在不断扩展,但其核心特征——小巧、高效、多功能——始终未变。

In 2025, a microcomputer, also known as a Personal Computer (PC), continues to refer to a compact computing device centered around a microprocessor, integrating memory, input/output devices, and various interfaces. As technology advances, the definition of a microcomputer is constantly expanding, yet its core characteristics—compactness, efficiency, and multifunctionality—remain unchanged.



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