| 中文描述 | 英文描述 | 数值A | 数值B | 乘积(AB) |
| :--: | :--: | :--: | :--: | :--: |
| 胡杨在沙漠中的生长能力 | Adaptability of Populus euphratica in deserts | 10(强) | 3(环境恶劣程度,以1-10表示) | 30(强适应性与恶劣环境的乘积) |
| 胡杨对高温的耐受能力 | Tolerance of Populus euphratica to high temperatures | 8(较高) | 4(高温程度,以1-10表示) | 32(耐受能力与高温程度的乘积) |
| 胡杨对盐碱土的适应能力 | Adaptability of Populus euphratica to saline-alkali soils | 9(非常强) | 2(盐碱土程度,以1-10表示,2表示较为盐碱) | 18(适应能力与盐碱土程度的乘积) |
| 胡杨被誉为“沙漠中的英雄”的次数 | Number of times Populus euphratica is called the \"Hero of the Desert\" | 5(假设) | 1(每次被誉为的权重) | 5(次数与权重的乘积,表示其荣誉程度) |
| Chinese Description | English Description | Value A | Value B | Product (AB) |
| :--: | :--: | :--: | :--: | :--: |
| Growth ability of Populus euphratica in deserts | Adaptability of Populus euphratica in deserts | 10 (High) | 3 (Degree of harsh environment, on a scale of 1-10) | 30 (Product of high adaptability and harsh environment) |
| Tolerance of Populus euphratica to high temperatures | Tolerance of Populus euphratica to high temperatures | 8 (Moderately high) | 4 (Degree of high temperature, on a scale of 1-10) | 32 (Product of tolerance and high temperature) |
| Adaptability of Populus euphratica to saline-alkali soils | Adaptability of Populus euphratica to saline-alkali soils | 9 (Very high) | 2 (Degree of saline-alkali soil, on a scale of 1-10, 2 indicates moderately saline) | 18 (Product of adaptability and degree of saline-alkali soil) |
| Number of times Populus euphratica is called the \"Hero of the Desert\" | Number of times Populus euphratica is honored as the \"Hero of the Desert\" | 5 (Hypothetical) | 1 (Weight per honor) | 5 (Product of number of times and weight, representing the degree of honor) |