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美国感恩节的由来 帮忙解答别磨蹭!

2 人参与  2025年03月14日 09:39  分类 : 百科  评论


Thanksgiving in the United States is a significant holiday, and while its origins can be traced back to the early colonial period, the form and meaning of its celebration have evolved over time.


The earliest origins of Thanksgiving can be traced to a harvest festival celebrated by the early settlers of the United States, known as the Pilgrims, in 162 These Pilgrims had come to North America seeking to establish a new home after escaping religious persecution. After enduring a difficult journey and initial survival challenges, they successfully harvested their first abundant crop in Plymouth, Massachusetts. To express their gratitude to God and celebrate this hard-earned bounty, they held a grand celebration, inviting local Native Americans to join in the feast and joy.

感恩节并没有立即成为一个全国性的节日。在随后的几个世纪里,各个州和地区会在不同的时间庆祝感恩节,有的为了庆祝丰收,有的则是为了纪念特定的历史事件。直到1863年,美国总统林肯(Abraham Lincoln)宣布将每年的11月最后一个星期四定为全国性的感恩节,以加强国家的团结和感恩的精神。

However, Thanksgiving did not immediately become a nationwide holiday. Over the subsequent centuries, various states and regions celebrated Thanksgiving at different times, some to celebrate harvests, others to commemorate specific historical events. It was not until 1863 that President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed the last Thursday of November as the national Thanksgiving Day, aiming to strengthen national unity and the spirit of gratitude.


Today, Thanksgiving has become an integral part of American culture. On this day, families gather from all over to share a hearty Thanksgiving feast, featuring traditional foods such as turkey, pumpkin pie, and sweet potatoes. People also express their gratitude to others in various ways, such as giving gifts, writing thank-you letters, or volunteering. Thanksgiving is not only a celebration of harvest and gratitude but also a crucial moment for strengthening family bonds and promoting social harmony.



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