如何将Sublime Text设置成中文(最新版)
Sublime Text 是一款广受欢迎的文本编辑器,虽然默认语言是英文,但你可以通过安装语言包来将其界面设置成中文。以下是最新的设置步骤:
打开Sublime Text:
启动你的Sublime Text编辑器。
安装Package Control(如果尚未安装):
Package Control是Sublime Text的一个插件管理器,用于安装、更新和删除插件。你可以通过以下步骤安装它:
打开Sublime Text,按下`Ctrl+Shift+P`(Windows/Linux)或`Cmd+Shift+P`(macOS)打开命令面板。
输入`Install Package Control`并选择该选项来安装Package Control。
使用Package Control安装中文语言包:
输入`Package Control: Install Package`并选择该选项。
在弹出的搜索框中输入`ChineseLocalizations`或`Sublime Text 中文语言包`,然后找到并安装它。
安装完成后,Sublime Text可能会自动提示你重启编辑器以应用语言更改。如果没有提示,你可以手动重启。
重启后,再次打开命令面板,输入`Preferences: Language`并选择。
重启Sublime Text:
再次重启Sublime Text,你的编辑器界面现在应该已经变成中文了。
How to Set Sublime Text to Chinese (Latest Version)
Sublime Text is a popular text editor that primarily comes in English, but you can set its interface to Chinese by installing a language pack. Here are the latest steps to do so:
Open Sublime Text:
First, launch your Sublime Text editor.
Install Package Control (if not already installed):
Package Control is a plugin manager for Sublime Text that allows you to install, update, and remove plugins. You can install it by following these steps:
Open Sublime Text and press `Ctrl+Shift+P` (Windows/Linux) or `Cmd+Shift+P` (macOS) to open the command palette.
Type `Install Package Control` and select the option to install it.
Install the Chinese Language Pack using Package Control:
Open the command palette again (`Ctrl+Shift+P` or `Cmd+Shift+P`).
Type `Package Control: Install Package` and select the option.
In the search box that appears, type `ChineseLocalizations` or `Sublime Text Chinese Language Pack`, then find and install it.
Select Chinese Language:
After installation, Sublime Text may prompt you to restart the editor to apply the language changes. If not, you can restart it manually.
Once restarted, open the command palette again, type `Preferences: Language`, and select it.
In the list of languages that appears, choose `Simplified Chinese` or `Traditional Chinese` (depending on your preference), and then save the settings.
Restart Sublime Text:
Finally, restart Sublime Text again, and your editor interface should now be in Chinese.