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windows属于什么操作系统 速度快点,急需得到回复!

2 人参与  2025年03月14日 23:08  分类 : 百科  评论

Windows属于一种多任务处理的图形用户界面操作系统(Graphical User Interface Operating System)。它是由美国微软公司(Microsoft)开发的,广泛应用于个人计算机、服务器、移动设备等多种平台。Windows操作系统以其直观的用户界面、强大的功能以及广泛的软件支持而闻名。

In English:

Windows belongs to a type of multitasking graphical user interface operating system (GUI Operating System). It is developed by Microsoft, a US-based company, and is widely used on personal computers, servers, mobile devices, and various other platforms. The Windows operating system is renowned for its intuitive user interface, powerful functions, and extensive software support.



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