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为什么会打雷 快点呀,帮忙解答这个问题!

1 人参与  2025年03月15日 21:15  分类 : 百科  评论



English Answer

Thunder occurs as a natural phenomenon primarily due to the movement and accumulation of charged particles within clouds. When water droplets, ice crystals, and other particles within the clouds collide and rub against each other during their ascent and descent, they cause a separation of positive and negative charges. When the charge accumulation within the clouds reaches a certain level, it creates a strong electric field, ultimately leading to a discharge between the clouds and the ground or between different cloud layers, which is commonly referred to as \"thunder\". Additionally, with climate change and global warming, extreme weather events may become more frequent, potentially increasing the occurrence of thunder phenomena. However, in general, thunder is a natural phenomenon resulting from the uneven distribution of electric charges in the Earth's atmosphere.



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