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下雨前蜘蛛逃到哪里去了 紧急求问,几分钟内等答案!

3 人参与  2025年03月16日 18:12  分类 : 百科  评论

Sure, here's a sample answer in both Chinese and English:




Yes, before it rains, spiders will seek shelter to avoid getting wet. They often choose dark and hidden places such as corners, window frames, behind furniture, or the bottoms of plants, under leaves, in bushes, as well as underground burrows or soil gaps to hide from the rain. This is because spider webs lose their stickiness when wet, and the combined weight of the spider and the rain can easily break the web. Spiders are highly sensitive to changes in temperature and weather, allowing them to sense the approach of rain in advance and quickly find a safe place to hide.



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