Expanded sentence (English):
Yes, Populus euphratica primarily grows in the vast, boundless deserts. It is a tree species with exceptional environmental adaptability and survival resilience, widely and predominantly distributed in the arid regions of northwest China, especially in harsh deserts, barren and infertile gobi areas, as well as water-scarce riverbanks and other zones. With its remarkable root structure and unique physiological mechanisms, Populus euphratica is able to grow tenaciously and vigorously in these extreme places characterized by drought, scorching heat, and heavy saline-alkali soil, demonstrating astonishing vitality and adaptability. Therefore, Populus euphratica is not only seen as a miracle of nature but also affectionately dubbed \"the immortal hero of the desert\" or \"the resilient vessel of the arid land\" by people for its ability to stand tall and thrive in such an extremely harsh natural environment.