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iphone轻点唤醒屏幕 哪位专业人士可以分享一下?

7 人参与  2025年03月05日 13:48  分类 : 百科  评论

iPhone的轻点唤醒屏幕功能,即“轻点唤醒”(Raise to Wake),在最新的iOS系统中仍然是一个受欢迎且实用的特性。这一功能允许用户只需轻轻拿起手机,无需按下任何按钮,屏幕就会自动点亮,方便用户查看时间、通知或进行其他操作。

In English:

The \"Raise to Wake\" feature on iPhone, which allows the screen to light up simply by lifting the device, remains a popular and practical feature in the latest iOS system. This functionality enables users to easily check the time, notifications, or perform other actions without needing to press any buttons.



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