| 中文 | 英文 |
| :--: | :--: |
| 标题 | Title |
| Word表格等比例缩放方法 | Methods for Scaling Word Tables Proportionally |
| 日期 | Date |
| 2025年03月04日 | March 4, 2025 |
| 内容 | Content |
| 是的,Word表格可以进行等比例缩放。 | Yes, Word tables can be scaled proportionally. |
| 在Word中,如果你想要等比例地缩放表格, | In Word, if you want to scale a table proportionally, |
| 你可以通过调整表格的行高和列宽来实现。 | you can achieve this by adjusting the row height and column width. |
| 这通常涉及到选择整个表格, | This typically involves selecting the entire table, |
| 然后使用鼠标或键盘快捷键进行统一调整。 | and then using the mouse or keyboard shortcuts to make uniform adjustments. |
| 另一种方法是使用Word的“表格属性”对话框, | Another method is to use the \"Table Properties\" dialog box in Word, |
| 在这里你可以设置具体的行高和列宽值, | where you can set specific values for row height and column width, |
| 并选择“等比例缩放”选项。 | and select the \"Scale proportionally\" option. |
| 这样,无论你对表格进行何种调整, | This way, no matter what adjustments you make to the table, |
| 它都会保持原有的比例关系。 | it will maintain its original proportional relationship. |